Festive Apero Hamper
Everyone knows of the famous French Apéro, but when did you last create this at home? This Christmas we have made creating cocktails and canapes at home luxuriously easy with our new 44°N Apéro Hamper!
Let’s face it, this year seemed the perfect opportunity to bring to light the traditional yet modern at-home-apéro, with quality ingredients and original recipes that will actually make you WANT to stay home.
We have carefully curated a selection of products from a wide range of brands that correspond to our own ethos: French, local, high-end, and just simply delicious!
Within the 44°N hamper, you will find:
- - A bottle of 44°N gin to make the perfect cocktail
- - A 44°N rose centifolia scented candle for a French Riviera ambiance, wherever you are!
A few things to make your perfect canapé:
- - Les Niçois black tapenade all the way from the Côte d’Azur
- - Les Niçois Mini-Focaccia that will be very difficult to resist nibbling on on their own!
- - Sturia’s Sturgeon Rillettes with yuzu, the pioneers of sturgeon breeding in France
- - Les Confitures Parisienne’s Apricot and Lavender jam, THE Parisian Brand French chef’s love!
- - NEV SAFRAN, the recent launch of delicious Saffron honey from Marseille
A few things to make your perfect cocktail:
- - Liquoristerie de Provence’s Bitter des Basques, created in the var, our neighbours
- - La Confiserie Azuréenne’s Crème de Marron, a Provencal confiserie since 1984!
- - Bonne Maman’s Rasbpery Jam, a classic
Why these ingredients you may ask? Well in true French style we wanted to share with you our favourite Canapes and cocktails, a little Festive French in your home or even at a friends as this hamper makes the perfect gift for your favourite gourmet gin lovers.
So here is our passion for gourmandise (the elegant way the French define ‘greed’) and our desire to bring back the true value of the canapé…
Canapés traditionally consist of four main parts:
- - A base of a small piece of cracker, bread, or pastry…
- - A flavourful spread such as tapenade, butter, cream cheese…
- - A topping of meat, fruit, seafood, vegetable or fruit…
- - A garnish, usually something small, like a dried tomato, pickle, herb or caviar…
We love:
Olive bread with a pathé of your choice, topped with Les Niçois Tapenade, and a sliced cornichon… We also love Les Niçois Tapenade simply placed on their Mini Focaccia!
Country-style bread with Sturia’s Sturgeon and yuzu rillettes, topped with caviar and a dried tomato… a perfect pairing for 44°N. We really recommend Sturia’s own Caviar, delicious!
Les Niçois mini-focaccia with Les Confitures Parisienne’s Apricot and Lavender jam, topped with a sliced almond and a teaspoon of NEV SAFRAN honey… We also love NEV SAFRAN with any kind of bread and cheese!
We are Gin so let’s not forget the cocktails! We have carefully curated these delicious recipes with our friend Jean-Vital at Cocktail Circus and we think you will love them... And maybe him too, click the links for his videos on how to make these and more.
/ Marron Fizz made with La Confiserie Azuréenne’s Crème de Marron.
/ 44°N Negroni with La Liquoristerie de Provence’s Bitter des Basques.
/ Flora Gin Punch with Bonne Maman’s Raspberry Jam.
Santé from all of us at Comte de Grasse!